A Collection of 18th-Century Decorated Papers and Paper Bindings
The terminology used in this catalog is drawn from a variety of sources, many of which are included in the bibliography below. For the papers in this collection I mostly refer to two books co-authored by Julia Rinck and Susanne Krause: Buntpapier - Ein Bestimmungsbuch (2016) and Handbuch Buntpapier (2021). The following terms are defined for quick reference:
Achatmarmor: "Agate marble", mimicking the appearance of stone by sprinkling color onto a wet sheet and allowing the sprinkles to spread into irregular, diffuse spots. The quintessential composition notebook pattern is based on this design.
Brocade: Also called "Dutch Gilt", metallic designs are embossed onto a generally single or multi-color surface-colored paper.
Bronze Varnish: Similar to Brocade papers, this older technique has printed metallic designs which are flat rather than embossed.
Buntpapier: A general term for papers which have been decorated after being pulled from the vat, often exclusive of colored papers
Full Paper Binding: Full paper covering over boards, be they wooden or paper-based.
Gustavmarmor: Related to Achatmarmor, this is a sprinkling technique that uses chemicals to produce halos of a secondary color surrounding diffused spots.
Irispapier: A surface coloring technique wherein stripes of color are blended together with a series of dry brushes to create soft gradients.
Limp Paper Binding: A single piece of thick paper, with or without turn-ins or secondary decorative covering, is used as the book covering, and sewing supports are either laced in or adhered. Differs from a wrapper in weight and method of textblock attachment.
Surface-colored: Paper which is colored after the sheet is formed; fibers are generally colored only on the surface of the sheet, and uncolored fibers may be visible on the reverse side or in abraded areas.
Tupfpapier: "Dabbed paper", wherein colored paste is sponged onto a plain or surface-colored paper.
Vat-dyed: Paper which is colored during the paper making process; fibers are colored all the way through the sheet.
Wrapper: A single piece of paper, often thin or text weight, is used as the book covering. Often stitched through the side of the textblock or adhered, either along the spine only or to supporting endleaves.
Wurzelmarmor: "Root marble", mimicking the appearance of root- or tree-marbled leather bindings which are created by dripping acids over wet leather to create dark swirling designs.
This is a running list of reference publications dealing with historical decorated book papers. It is sure to grow with time, and suggestions for additional titles are always welcome!
Chemelli, Alwin. Kleistermalerei: Kammzug-marmorieren-alte Techniken. Rosenheimer Raritäten, 1984
Cockx-Indestege, Elly; Greven, Carina; Porck, Henk; Storm van Leeuwen, Jan. Sierpapier & Marmering: Een Terminologie voor het Beschrijven van Sierpapier en Marmering als Boekbandversiering. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag & Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, Brussel, 1994
Decorated Paper Designs 1800: From the Koops-Marcus Collection. Pepin Press, Amsterdam, 1999
Dubansky, Mindell. Pattern and Flow: A Golden Age of American Decorated Paper, 1960s to 2000s. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2023
Enderli, Hans. Buntpapier: Geschichte und Rezepte des Buntpapiers; mit 205 Original-Buntpapier-Mustern. Winterthur, 1971
Entwistle, E.A. The Hirsch Collection of Decorated Papers. The Connoisseur Yearbook, 1961​
Galbraith, Steven K. Edges of Books: Specimens of Edge Decoration from RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection. RIT Press. Rochester, New York, 2019
Gani, Michela. Carte decorate. Franco Cosimo Panini, Modena, 1993
Giordano, Rosalia Claudia; Benvistito, Claudia. Matrice Colore Ornato: Carte per Legare e Coprir Libri, Guida alla mostra. Sale Monumentali, Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 15 dicembre 2023 / 28 gennalo 2024
Greißmayr, Ulrike. Farbenfroh und Glanzvoll: Buntpapier aus den Beständen der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg. Mit einem Beitrag von Julia Rinck, Herausgegeben von der Staatsbibliothek Bamberg, 2023
Grünebaum, Gabriele. Buntpapier: Geschichte – Herstellung – Verwendung. DuMont, Koln, 1982
Gurbat, Otto. Einbandbuntpapiere: Techniken und Rezepte zur Herstellung. 1971 München, 1971
Haemmerle, Albert. Buntpapier: Herkommen, Geschichte, Techniken, Beziehungen zur Kunst. Georg D.W. Callwey, München, 1961
Hartmann, Roland. Das Buntpapier als Einbandmaterial im 18 Jahrhundert. München, 1984
Heijbroek, J.F.; Greven, T.C. Sierpapier: marmer-, brocaat- en sitspapier in Nederland. uitgeverij De Buitenkant, Amsterdam, 1994
Heinz, Balmer. Kleisterpapiere: eine Anleitung fur dessen Herstellung. Bern, 1928
Hubert, Valerie. Les papiers dominotés: une collection particulière, privately printed, Paris, 2016
Infelise, M.; Marini, P. Remondini: Un Editore del Settecento. Electa, Milan, 1990
Jammes, André. Papiers Décorés: notes sur la collection de Marie-Thérèse & André Jammes. Éditions des Cendres, 2021
Jammes, André. Papiers dominotés: trait d’union entre l’imagerie populaire et les papiers peints (France / 1750–1820), Éditions des Cendres, Paris, 2010
Jusselin, Maurice. Imagiers & Cartiers a Chartres. Librarie D’Argences, Paris, 1957
Kopylov, Christiane F. Papiers Dorés D’Allemagne au Siècle des Lumières suivis de quelques autres papiers décorés (Bilderbogen, Kattunpapiere & Herrnhutpapiere) 1680—1830. Éditions des Cendres, 2012
Kopylov, Marc. Papiers Dominotés Français ou l’Art de Revêtir d’Éphémères Couvertures Colorées Livres & Brochures entre 1750 et 1820. Éditions des Cendres, 2012
Kopylov, Marc. Papiers Dominotés Italiens Éditions des Cendres, 2012
Krause, Susanne. Paste Paper–Kleisterpapier. Alembic Press, 2002
Krause, Susanne; Rinck, Julia. Buntpapier – Ein Bestimmungsbuch; Decorated Paper – A Guide Book, Sierpapier – Een Gids. Dr Ernst Hauswedell & Co. Kg, Verlag. Stuttgart, 2016
Loring, Rosamond B. Decorated Book Papers: being an account of their designs and fashions. Harvard College Library Department of Printing and Graphic Arts. Cambridge, 1973
Mick, Ernst Wolfgang. Altes Buntpapier. Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher, Harnberg Kommunikation, Dortmund, 1979
Milano, A.; Villani, E. Le carte decorate della Raccolta Bertarelli. Arnoldo Mondadori Arte, Milan, 1991
Opel, A. M. Mehr als Muster: Bunt- und Vorsatzpapiere aus der Grafischen Sammlung. Grafisches Kabinett, Augsburg, 2016
Quilici, P. Carte decorate nella legatoria del ’700 dalle raccolte della Biblioteca Casanatense. Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Rome, 1988
Rinck, Julia; Krause, Susanne. Handbuch Buntpapier. Anton Hiersemann verlag, Stuttgart, 2021
Schmoller, Tanya. To brighten things up: the Schmoller Collection of Decorated Papers. Manchester Metropolitan University, 2008
Schönborn, A.; Rothe, M. eds. Die phantastische Welt der Brokatpapiere: Die Sammlung Adelheid Schönborn. Haupt Verlag, Bern, 2020
Tocchetti, Carla. La Carta di Varese
- Tomasina, Gianna Paola. All’uso di Francia’ dalla moda ll’industria. Patron Editore, Bologna, 2001
van der Wall, F. Gefärbt, gekämmt, getunkt, gedruckt: die wunderbare Welt des Buntpapiers. Mainfränkisches Museum Würzburg, 2011
The Victoria and Albert Colour Books: Decorative Endpapers. Webb & Bower Ltd., 1985
Wolfe, Richard J. Der Vollkommne Papierfärber. Oak Knoll Press, New Castle, 2008
Wolfe, Richard J. Marbled Paper: Its History, Techniques, and Patterns. Oak Knoll Press, 2018